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Un buen remedio casero para ayudar a controlar la presión arterial alta es tomar el jugo de limón con agua de coco o consumir las cápsulas de ajo diariamente porque estos ingredientes poseen propiedades que ayudan a controlar la tensión arterial.Aunque estos remedios caseros son útiles para complementar el tratamiento para la presión arterial alta, sólo deben tomarse con el conocimiento del cardiólogo, ya que no sustituyen los medicamentos recetados por el médico.1. Agua de ajoEl agua de ajo es una excelente forma de regular la presión arterial debido a que estimula la producción de óxido nítrico, que es un...

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Since the appearance of such a fruit as a plum, scientists have discovered all its useful and harmful properties. This plant was obtained several thousand years ago in the territory where Turkey is now located. The culture arose as a result of the crossing of cherry plum and blackthorn. The fruits turned out to be successful: they had the taste of cherry plum and acquired the cold resistance that is characteristic of blackthorn. In addition, the product has acquired a number of positive properties of blackthorn. The result is a fruit that combines a set of positive qualities of two...

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Exotic destinations to give travellers the chance to try the unusual fruit. Such fruits include herring. Most of our compatriots first met it in Thailand, once and for all deciding for themselves whether to try it again. However, the taste of the fruit differs markedly in different countries, so it is not necessary to make final conclusions after the first tasting.What kind of fruit is thisSalak or Salakka also has the name "snake fruit". That's what the English called him. This fruit owes its original name to a volcano in Indonesia. This place is considered the birthplace of the herring...

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Rambutan is a tropical plant with unusual fruits that look a little like chestnuts, but differ in size. The fruit of this tree is a rarity and an exotic delicacy outside of the regions where the plant is cultivated. The reason for this is the impossibility of long-term storage of fruits. But this fruit is incredibly healthy and is even used in alternative medicine to treat many diseases.What is rambutan?Rambutan is a popular fruit in Southeast Asia that grows on evergreen trees with sprawling, large crowns. The fruit of the plant was not eaten for a long time, but as...

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Nectarine is one of the varieties of peach, which can be distinguished by a smoother skin. Many consider this fruit a kind of hybrid, the result of crossing different cultures. But this is not the case. The fruit, supplied mainly from the Mediterranean countries, is native to China. And it belongs to the same genus as peaches.What is nectarine?Golodny peach, also known as the fruit contains a large amount of nectar, which followed by his title. You may see red, yellow, or whitish nectarines. The pulp is easily separated from the stone, but if the fruit is overripe, this can...

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