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Proven Health Benefits Of DatesRich in various nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, dates are popular throughout the world and are consumed as a dried fruit. A 2014 review conducted by researchers at the Qassim University, Saudi Arabia and Suez Canal University, Egypt states that dates are beneficial in treating various conditions due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-tumor properties.What are Dates?Dates are sweet fruits of date palm tree scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera. They are one of the best versatile foods that can regulate the digestive process and have gained popularity in recent times. Date palm trees are cultivated all over...

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Consumption of meat has many health benefits such as the elimination of skin diseases, strengthening of the immune system, long-term energy, building and repairing of body tissues and protection of the body from infections, It aids in the production of hemoglobin and is a rich source of protein and other essential amino acids.Poultry, pork, beef, lamb, seafood are some of the types of meat that are as essential as they are tasty. The common denominator in all these is the protein that humans need. Protein converts to energy in our body and helps manage daily functionality. The recommended daily intake...

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What is a Mediterranean diet?Health researchers noticed that cultures in the Mediterranean region had lower rates of cardiovascular disease and determined that what those people eat (and don't eat) had something to do with it. Here are the general features of a Mediterranean dietary pattern:Plant foods as the main source of daily calories. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes (like beans, peas, and lentils), with a preference for foods that are fresh and minimally processed to preserve nutrients.Olive oil as the main source of fat calories. Some research suggests that extra-virgin olive oil may contain beneficial substances...

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Nutritious nut oils are food for the skin. Some contain agents that nurture and heal, helping to lock in the skin’s moisture or add shine and fullness to hair. Depending on the type of nut, many can offer natural healing properties for dermatological conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. Humans have been using nut oils in a variety of applications for thousands of years. An early Greek physician said walnuts combined with onion, salt and honey could heal bites from dogs or men. It’s said that King Tutankhamun went to the afterlife with a handful of almonds. In Roman times, newly married...

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About one in three U.S. adults has high blood pressure.Your blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury, which is abbreviated as mm Hg. There are two numbers involved in the measurement:Systolic blood pressure. The top number represents the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart beats.Diastolic blood pressure. The bottom number represents the pressure in your blood vessels between beats, when your heart is resting.Your blood pressure depends on how much blood your heart is pumping, and how much resistance there is to blood flow in your arteries. The narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure.Blood pressure...

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