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Natural Remedies to Treat Hypertension
Hypertension refers to the constant increase of blood pressure in the arteries. This increase in pressure causes the heart to work more than it should to pump blood throughout our body. If the pressure increases, it can affect our body in many ways and put us at high risk of suffering serious diseases that can lead to death. In this article we will recommend some natural remedies to treat hypertension.According to the National Institute of Hypertension (NIH), it is known worldwide as the “silent killer” because it has no early significant symptoms. Among the main causes of hypertension are: stress,...
I benefici e i danni dei limoni
PROPRIETÀ DI GUARIGIONE DI UN LIMONE PER UN CORPO UMANO: i frutti giallo brillante hanno da tempo guadagnato il rispetto popolare per le loro proprietà curative uniche. Dopotutto, una tazza di tè al limone riscalda perfettamente, aiuta il corpo a rallegrare, migliora il benessere e aumenta la resistenza alle infezioni. Questo agrume è uno degli additivi aromatizzanti più popolari per tutti i tipi di piatti, pasticceria, ecc.Il limone è un albero che cresce in Asia in questi giorni, questo agrume giallo viene coltivato nel nostro Caucaso, nel Mediterraneo e in America.questo agrume è un'eccellente profilassi per i raffreddori. Rafforza il...
Folk cosmetics, recipes
Aloe. Ordinary aloe is a real gift to women's beauty. In the evening and in the morning, wipe the cleansed face with a piece of aloe leaf or an ice cube from the frozen juice of this flower - this will make the skin clean and fresh. If you have the first wrinkles, an aloe mask will help. To prepare it, mix 2 tablespoons of juice squeezed from aloe leaves with 1 tablespoon of warmed honey. Apply the resulting mass to the skin of the face and neck and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature....
The best way to lose weight boils down to these three things
1. Eat more vegetables Considering that 9 in 10 Americans fail to meet their produce requirements, it’s pretty safe to say you need to eat more vegetables. And no matter what food philosophy you subscribe to, vegetables are a big part of the program. Vegetables have a lot going for them: They fill you up for very few calories, and they flood your body with the nutrients it needs to fight diseases, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.If you follow food trends, you might think you have to fall in love with cauliflower and kale to reap...
The Most Effective Weight Loss Diet: And the winner is….
A high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet is the most effective diet for promoting weight loss and reducing hunger, at least in the short term, according to scientists at Aberdeen’s Rowett Research Institute.Researchers gave healthy but obese men one of two “high protein” diets. Protein was kept to 30% of total calories in both diets, but the amount of carbohydrate and fat was varied. In the first diet—which they called “low carbohydrate”—the carbohydrate content was kept to a very low 4%, with the rest of the calories coming from fat. In the second diet—which they called “moderate carbohydrate”—the carbohydrate content was kept to...